As we humans are stuck indoors due to lockdown, wildlife is having great fun in the lap of mother earth.

Amid all this, flamingos are taking over the Mumbai, flashing their stunning pink colors in the water bodies of the city. According to Science Times, flamingos can be spotted in Mumbai since the 1980s who migrate between October and March for feeding and breeding. Now we can see a huge increase in their numbers chilling on the mudflats of Thane Creek.

A nearby resident Sunil Agarwal told the Hindustan Times:
“Residents are cooped up at home spending their mornings and evenings at their balconies taking photographs and videos of these relaxed birds. “The lockdown will at least prompt people to focus on what is around them, which they had been taking for granted, and hopefully this site will be declared a flamingo sanctuary soon.”
Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS) says that there is a 25 percent rise of flamingos this year, in comparison to last year. Deepak Apte, director of BNHS, told the News Outlet:
“A major reason for the large numbers is also the large flocks of juveniles moving to these sites, following the successful breeding documented two years ago. Additionally, the lockdown is giving these birds peace for roosting, no disturbance in their attempt to obtain food, and overall encouraging habitat. “Wetland destruction and developmental activities across several areas of the eastern seafront is another reason why larger bird numbers are getting squeezed into smaller pockets like in Navi Mumbai.”