Indian Actor Sivakarthikeyan is all set for the launch of his upcoming bilingual film Prince. The Tamil-Telugu film has freshly released its sneak peak third song named, “Who Am I”. Herein the former and Maria Riaboshapka are dancing to the beats with all grace. According to the actor, the full cover song will be out by Friday evening.
Sivakarthikeyan took to Twitter to share the glimpse of the new song. He wrote, “Here’s the glimpse of our third single #WhoAmI from #Prince. A @musicthaman Musical Choreography by @iamSandy_Off Lyrics by @TherukuralArivu Releasing tomorrow at 5pm.”
The already launched songs composed by S Thaman, were “Bimbilikki Pilapi” and “Jessica”. This film will mark the debut of the actor in Tamil cinema. This plot moves around a hopeless romantic who falls for a British girl. It is directed by Anudeep KV. The entire shooting of the film has been initiated in London and Pondicherry and London.
The movie will hit the cinemas on October 21. It is bankrolled by Suniel Narang, Puskur Ram Mohan Rao, and Suresh Babu. Etched under the name of Shanthi Talkies and Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP.