The Internet has made many common people stars overnight like Priya Prakash Varrier, Disha Patani, Arshad Khan, Saima Hussain Mir etc. However, this time it is not some person but a bag which getting all the limelight on social media. Yes, you read it right a bag!
After hilariously funny JCB memes, it is the ‘Mature Bag’ which is breaking the internet. What is this Mature Bag? Well, to let you know, a couple of days ago, a video started doing the rounds on social media featuring a young guy who explains how to look attractive in college. And according to him, the bag you carry to college plays an important role in grabbing the attention.
He is suggesting in the video that one should carry a Mature Bag rather than carrying the same bag one used to carry in school. They need to opt for a “mature bag” in order to impress others. In the video, he recommends that college-goers should go for a brown leather bag from Amazon if they want to look “cool.” Watch the video below:
After he made a video and uploaded it on the internet, several hilarious memes hit the internet. Not only that, social media users fill the review section of this Amazon product with funny comments. See some of the reactions below: