Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut stays very active on social media. She has been fiercely targeting the Maharashtra government, sharing the posts on her Twitter account for the last few days. Apart from this, she has also shared a lot of scandals about many celebs regarding Sushant Singh Rajput case. Now Kangana has challenged that if someone proves her mistake then she will leave Twitter forever.
Sharing the tweet, she wrote, “I may come across as a very ladaku person but it’s not true, I have a record of never starting a fight, I will quit twitter if anyone can prove otherwise, I never start a fight but I finish every fight. Lord Krishna said when someone ask you to fight you mustn’t deny them.”
Earlier, Kangana shared photos of her broken office saying that many people lost their jobs due to BMC’s action. Kangana wrote in a tweet – ‘My workplace has been cremated, It has taken away the employment of so many people, a film unit employees including several hundred people, when a movie is released it gives employment from theaters to a popcorn seller. Those people are celebrating #NationalUnemploymentDay17Sept today by snatching employment from all of us.’
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