Authorities are taking every precaution to keep Delhi’s security system tight. In light of this, Indian Railways has chosen to discontinue a critical service. The railways have banned package service at numerous railway stations in the Delhi region from August 12 to August 15 for security considerations.
According to Railways information, the package service has been halted as part of the security plans for Independence Day. This means that package services at New Delhi, Delhi Junction, Hazrat Nizamuddin, Anand Vihar Terminal, Delhi Sarah Rohilla, and Adarsh Nagar Delhi train stations in the Delhi district would be suspended on August 12, 13, 14, and 15.
However, the transit of shipments of registered newspapers and periodicals will continue as previously. Parcel godowns and platforms must be clear of parcel packages/packaging. At all stations, all inbound and outward traffic, including leased SLR, AGC, and VPS, is forbidden.
This limitation will also apply to trains that originate in other divisions/zones and stop in the Delhi region for loading/unloading. Railways have said that no packages would be scheduled for these stations from August 12 to August 15, 2023.
Employees have been given specific instructions to examine each coach of the train thoroughly before sending them to the yard and to transport them to the yard shortly after locking them. Empty trains in the yard or on the platform should not be left open, and their doors should be kept shut.