Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut will next be seen in Emergency as the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Meanwhile, the rumors are also making rounds stating that the actress is quitting acting.
The rumors are swirling around that actress Kangana Ranaut might be quitting the entertainment industry soon. Since she stepped into politics. People have started to wonder if she will leave Bollywood now. Kangana, who recently became a politician, addressed these rumors and clarified her stance. She mentioned that whether she continues to work in Bollywood or not will depend on what the audience wants. Kangana was a member of the BJP and won the Lok Sabha elections in 2024. She represented the Mandi constituency. Despite her political commitments, she will soon be seen in the movie Emergency. Lately, Kangana has been dedicating much of her time to political work, which has made some fans question if she is quitting her acting.
Speaking about these speculations during the launch event of the trailer for her new film. She said “Whether I would continue to act, I think this is a question where I would like people to decide that. For example, I never said I wanted to be a leader. People should say you should be a leader. Whether a party does surveys or whatever the criteria were to give you a ticket, it is the people’s choice that I should fight the elections.
If Emergency becomes hit and if people want to see more of me, if I feel that I have achieved success, I will continue,” She added, “Otherwise if I feel I have more success in politics and I am needed there more… We go where we feel needed, respected, and valued. I will let life decide for me. And have no such plans that I will quit acting. I am fine anywhere where I am needed to whatever is needed”.
For those unaware actress Kangana is a BJP candidate who won in the Mandi Lok Sabha seat by a margin of 74,755 votes against her Congress rival, Vikramaditya Singh. Also, she made headlines when she was slapped by a CISF officer at the Chandigarh airport a day after the win. The incident took the internet by storm especially after Ranaut released a video of the incident, assuring her followers that she was safe and unharmed.
About Emergency
Talking about the film. It features Kangana as the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Earlier the gangster actress postponed the movie due to her election campaign. But after winning in the Lok Sabha elections in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, Kangana eventually announced the release date of her upcoming film with a poster. The political drama is set to hit the big screen on September 6, 2024.
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