Actor Jahnvi Kapoor was asked by the paparazzi to stop outside the gym and speak about the property she had recently bought in Bandra, Mumbai. As per the reports, Janhvi has bought a duplex apartment worth ₹ 65 crore.
In a paparazzi video, Janhvi was asked, “Nayi ghar ki party nahin mili hum logon ko. Yeh galat baat hain (You didn’t throw us a party for buying a new house. This isn’t fair).”
The actor smiled and replied, “Secret tha. Aapne bhanda phod diya (It was supposed to be a secret but you exposed me).”
Janhvi now owns a house of 8,669-square-foot in Kubelisque Building on Bandra, Mumbai making it the second property she purchased in the city in the same year.
Janhvi last appeared in Mili marking her first ever collaboration with Boney Kapoor. Helmed by Mathukutty Xavier, the film is a Hindi remake of the Malayalam hit Helen (2019).