More recently, thanks to the Chinese distribution , Avatar has regained its title of the box office leader of all time. The fantastic adventure of James Cameron is still considered one of the brightest events in modern cinema. And the director plans to repeat the success with the rest of the Pandora story, for which the creative team of the sequels had to work hard.
The director spoke about this when he visited The Marianne Williamson Podcast . With the sequels, Cameron has focused on preserving what made the first film successful, inspiring and impressing audiences around the world. And for this, the scriptwriters had to be kept in check – up to the threat of dismissal.
The idea was a success – the script team revised the first film and singled out three levels of the story, which were the key to its unprecedented success. The first level is purely a plot, the second turned out to be the themes of capitalism, imperialism, colonialism, violation of human rights, the syndrome of lack of communication with nature, but the third level turned out to be decisive.
And when all the deep secrets of the first “Avatar” were unraveled, Cameron finally allowed the writers to bombard him with new ideas for the plot of the sequels, but the magical third level has since become a real guiding star for all the authors of the project.