In a government hospital of West Bengal, one case got witnessed recently which is now grabbing all the limelight. Jewellery which weighs 1.5 kg and 90 coins of Rs 5 and Rs 10, were removed from a woman’s stomach while surgery. She admitted to the hospital after complaining about a deadly stomach ache.
In the ultrasound, doctors spotted jewellery and coins in her stomach. After this, the doctors immediately carried out the surgery and took them out of her. Ninety coins in the denomination of Rs 5 and Rs 10 and ornaments like chains, nose rings, earrings, bangles, anklets, wrist bands and watches were found from the stomach of the 26-year-old woman, said Siddharatha Biswas, the head of the surgery department in the Rampurhat Government Medical College and Hospital. It is said that the woman is mentally unstable.
The ornaments were of copper and brass but some gold jewellery were also there. The woman’s mother said she noticed that ornaments were disappearing from their home and whenever we questioned her, she started crying. She also revealed that her daughter is mentally unsound. She said her daughter got the coins from her brother’s shop.
She used to swallow all these materials, the mother said. Later, the woman was taken to the hospital, where doctors operated her.