Kajal Aggarwal recently shared a series of pics, on her Instagram handle in which she was seen wearing Golden Falguni Shane Peacock Outfit. She was seen all shining like gold in the heavy lehenga choli in Falguni Shane Peacock Outfit. Posting the pics she captioned it stating “You made my post-wedding celebration so perfect! Thank you for this spectacular outfit. @falgunipeacock @falgunishanepeacockindia.”
The outfit in which Kajal was seen is basically a fishtail ghagra with a golden full-sleeved blouse with side cutouts. Along with that to accentuate her looks she teamed it up with a diamond choker necklace and red choodas. The actress posted her pics posing with her hubby Gautam who wore a black shirt and tuxedo with a pair of shiny black shoes.
The outfit that she carried is undoubtedly quite beautiful. But the selection for the same was all done virtually. Infact due to the pandemic situation she said that all the preparations regarding the wedding arrangements and outfits were done virtually. She said, there was no going out physically everything was done over WhatsApp and Zoom calls.
Talking further about the locations Kajal stated “We toured all of Maharashtra; checked out hotels in Alibaug, Lonavla and even vineyards at Nashik. We finally decided to book The Taj Mahal Palace, Mumbai which is close to home.” After the couple got married on 30th October at the Taj Mahal Palace their wedding reception photos made their way to the internet.
Have a look at Kajal’s dazzling pictures in golden outfit
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