Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut is a style diva who outperforms equally in her selection of scripts and fashion, offering a style statement with her looks. The Manikarnika actor was recently spotted draped in a blue-colored saree worth Rs 600 (as claimed by the actor) which she has bought from Kolkata. Fans took no time to react to her look while she reminded them to go local and initiate actions which will serve to be advantageous for India.
By stating to go ‘Vocal for local’, the actor told that, “This sari I bought from Kolkata for 600 ruppes… style is not slave to international brands, be an ultra nationalist to promote your own… every action of yours must benefit this nation… You buy local it feeds many families… Vocal for local… Jai Hind.” Kangana supplemented her look with a branded black Dior handbag. She kept her locks loose and completed her attire with black-colored boots.
Kangana Ranaut will be now seen in her upcoming feature period drama Emergency, in the garb of the former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.