Recently, Bollywood actress and member of the BJP, Kangana Ranaut revealed the threats she has been receiving due to her upcoming movie “Emergency”. On Thursday Kangana revealed that she received threats of rape. Nevertheless, she insisted that such threats could not intimidate her or make her stop speaking out. During an interview with IANS, she stated “Some people have targeted me, but I am not someone who gets scared by bullets or threats.” Kangana further added, “I am also receiving rape threats, but they won’t be able to silence me.”
These comments by Kangana have been following a provocative statement by a former Punjab MP and the leader of Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar). He recently demeaned Kangana by stating that she has enuf experience “of rape” Indeed, Mann crossed the line with this comment.
The actress also came out strongly to express her readiness to take on any power that may be against the production of her movie. She, however, said that it has not been easy to get the film out as there are always barriers due to people’s fears and insecurity. Still, Kangana ensured that the opposition would not deter her from promoting her movie, adding that she would defend her film in a court of law if necessary. She said. “It will be unbecoming of me, as an artist, to allow myself to be bullied or censored and I will stand up for my movie, and if need be, take this fight to the court.”
Kangana’s bold attitude
Kangana also talked about the need to preserve the freedom of the artist. She affirms that no one should be able to limit this freedom and stop a film from being produced. Saying this for the second time, she boldly remarked, “I am not a person who is scared of bullets and threats; they cannot stop me from speaking. ”
Through her statements, Kangana has shown her strength and dedication. She has clarified that she will not back down, even when facing threats and intimidation. Kangana is determined to release her film “Emergency” despite the obstacles in her way. This determination shows her strong commitment to artistic freedom and her courage to speak up, no matter how much pressure she faces to stay silent.
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