“I am embarrassed…What is there to beat in Gully Boy performance… Same snappy muh-phat (outspoken) girl… Bollywood’s idea of a fiery girl, woman empowerment and good acting, spare me this embarrassment, please. Media has taken filmy kids love too far… Stop pampering mediocre work or else bar will never be raised.”To let you know, Alia Bhatt, along with Gully Boy’s lead actor Ranveer Singh and director Zoya Akhtar, received critical acclaim for their work worldwide. The team of the film got a standing ovation after it got premiered at the Berlin Film Festival. This is not the first time when Kangana targeted Alia Bhatt. Earlier, she targeted her and her boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor for not taking their stand on politics. Kangana does so because Alia Bhatt, daughter of Mahesh Bhatt, is one of Karan Johar’s protegees and Kangana and Karan are staunch enemies. Their rivalry started when Kangana on Karan’s show talked about nepotism and accused Karan of it. This irked him and since then they are not going on with good terms. On the professional front, Alia Bhatt is looking forward to the release of Kalank on April 17 and her next film is Brahmastra with Ranbir Kapoor. Whereas Kangana Ranaut is busy in the shoot of her upcoming films Panga and Mental Hai Kya.
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Dolly Bhardwaj
I am A 24×7 energetic and cheerful soul. Hailing from Amritsar, I believe in sticking to the roots no matter where one lands up. I get the creative DNA of writing, dancing, and fine arts from the empowered women of my family. I listened to my heart so I opted for humanities over other streams. Now, pursuing Masters in mass communications, I intend to use my words to voice for what is right. I believe ‘laughter and dance’ are the secret ingredients in the recipe of my life. Thankful to God for having the best ever family, best ever partner and best ever friends, I wish to work each day to make them proud.