A host of Bollywood celebs have condemned the knife attack on well-known writer Salman Rushdie on Friday. Kangana Ranaut said she was “appalled” by the incident while Swara Bhasker called it shameful. Javed Akhtar and Ranvir Shorey have likewise condemned the knife attack.
Salman Rushdie was stabbed by a 24-year-old New Jersey resident identified as Hadi Matar on stage while he was being introduced at the event of the Chautauqua Institution in Western New York. He faced Islamist death threats for quite long years in the wake of writing The Satanic Verses.
Kangana posted a news article about the attack on her Instagram Stories and penned, “Another day another appalling act by jihadis. The Satanic Verses is one of the greatest book of it’s time… I am shaken beyond words… Appalling.”
Javed Akhtar like condemned the knife attack. He penned on Twitter, “I condemn the barbaric attack on Salman Rushdie by some fanatic. I hope that NY police and the court will take the strongest action possible against the attacker.”
Swara Bhasker called the incident shameful and wrote on tweeter, “Thoughts and prayers for #SalmanRushdie. Shameful, condemnable and dastardly this attack! #SalmanRushdieStabbed.”
Ranvir Shorey retweeted many posts about Salman Rushdie and called the attacker “predator”. Reacting to a tweet that read, “The crazies have truly taken over the world,” Ranvir penned, “They aren’t crazies. They go for the neck. They’re predators.”
The badly injured author was airlifted from a field adjacent to the venue to a hospital in northwestern Pennsylvania where the 75-year-old writer went through surgery. The writer, who won the Booker Prize for his original Midnight’s Children, couldn’t speak. Salman Rushdie “will likely lose one eye; the nerves in his arm were severed; and his liver was stabbed and damaged,” the writer’s agent Andrew Wylie told The New York Times. “The news is not good,” he said.