Bollywood’s outspoken actress Kangana Ranaut speaks openly on any issue. Be it an issue of Bollywood, whether it is an issue of the country or even a matter of politics, why not. Kangana keeps speaking on all these matters. She is often seen making rhetoric on politics.
Recently, Kangana Ranaut gave a statement on the political turmoil in Maharashtra. During the recent change of power, Kangana had targeted Uddhav Thackeray and congratulated the new Chief Minister of the state, Eknath Shinde. Apart from this, she has been seen discussing politics on many occasions.
It is often said about Kangana that she can enter politics at any time. She is a supporter of the Bharatiya Janata Party. Many times Kangana has been seen praising Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. At the same time, she has also targeted other opposition parties including Congress.
There is no doubt that in the coming days or in the future, Kangana will turn from actress to actress. By the way, before forming any kind of opinion for them, their opinion on such an issue should also be known. Once she had clearly said on this that films have given me everything, what else will politics give?
The way Kangana is seen discussing political issues, also raises the question in the minds of her trollers and fans that she can enter politics. By the way, Kangana is currently at the peak of her film career. Apart from being an actress, she has also become a film producer.
A few years ago, Kangana had discussed the question of joining politics. Then she indicated that she does not want to enter politics. But she also says that people would like to join politics if they say so. The actress spoke openly on this matter during her film ‘Judgmental Hai Kya’ in the year 2018.
During the promotion of Judgmental Hai Kya, Kangana said that I do not understand why I need to become a politician. Everyone should stick to his country only. It is the understanding of the people that they think, if I talk about the country, then I definitely want something bigger than this. But going into politics means that only one political party’s stamp will stick on your forehead and nothing else.
Kangana had further said, what can politics give me. Today I am the most expensive heroine of Bollywood and when I do press conferences, there are thirty cameras around. Even today, if I want, I can tell my story to the whole country. That’s why my question to the people is that what is there today that I do not have and I will get it by joining politics.