Homabale Films owner Vijay Kiragandur mentioned that blockbuster hit Kantara will be back with a prequel which came as a surprise to many. Recently, Rishab Shetty the director of the film also verified the same. Just as the film completed 100 days in theaters in January the entire team celebrated the success.
Rishab said at the event, “We are very pleased and thankful to the audience who had shown immense love and support to Kantara. With the blessing of almighty Daiva, the film has successfully completed 100 days and I would like to take this opportunity to announce the prequel of Kantara.”
He further added, “What you have seen is actually Part 2, Part 1 will come next year. The idea flashed into my mind while I was shooting for Kantara because the history of Kantara has more depth to it. Currently, we are in the middle of digging into more details. As the research is still underway, it would be very early to reveal details about the film.”
Rishab Shetty is now working on the script of the prequel while the film will be carried forward in a big budget against the first release which involved a modest budget of Rs 16 crore.
Vijay Kiragandur, meanwhile, added, “Kantara introduced the audience to a new cinema altogether and we would love to sustain and in fact boost the rage that the film has created among the audience on the screens by announcing the sequel, as the film has now completed its 100 days. Rishab and our team have been working on the story rigorously as the film has many more things to tell to the audience while opening the back story of Kantara and we can just guarantee that the prequel of Kantara is going to be more massive and grand than before.”
Kantara also features Kishore, Achyuth Kumar, Sapthami Gowda, and Pramod Shetty in the pivotal roles, the film minted over Rs 450 crore at the worldwide box office. Kantara 2 will hit the theaters next year.