In a piece of shocking news, a major fire broke out at popular comedian and actor Kapil Sharma’s Oshiwara apartment in Mumbai. As per the reports, the fire broke out in the kitchen and the home doused in it within half an hour. The fire brigade was called up and it took control over the situation after some time.
Kapil Sharma’s apartment was on the fourth floor of a seven-storey building. It is located near Green Park in Andheri west. It was told by the fire department officials that there was no one at the home when the fire broke out.
Kapil Sharma had vacated the apartment after he shifted to a nearby place, one of the local residents who called the fire department told the officials. There is no news of injuries or casualties found in the incident.
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Meanwhile, Kapil is currently busy in his show on TV The Kapil Sharma Show which airs on Sony TV. The show is doing well and TRPs are also high.