Kapil Sharma’s fetched positive reviews for recent film, Zwigato, even though it didn’t perform well at the box office. The movie’s screenplay has since been accepted into the Library of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences’ permanent core collection.
The screenplay for Zwigato, starring Kapil Sharma and Shahana Goswami, was written by Nandita Das and Samir Patil and examines the impact of the working class on the food app service sector. Following successful premieres at the Toronto International Film Festival and the Busan International Film Festival, the film had a March release all over the world.
When discussing how the movie was received by viewers at the Busan International Film Festival, Kapil Sharma said, “After watching the film, people were crying there, and they didn’t even know that I’m known for comedy. So, I don’t think there’ll be any disappointment.”
Kapil Sharma added, “I do comedy 2 hours a day on my show, but I’m not like that for 24 hours. There are several facets to my personality, that I’d like to show. I don’t think there will be any disappointment among fans as they’ll also be keen to see what new I’m bringing to the table.”
Filmmaker Nandita Das said why she had the idea of making Zwigato and averred, “The story, and the situations in this film, those things touched me, and that is what I am sharing with everyone. So it is obvious that I would want every person to watch it.”
The plot of the movie Zwigato from Applause Entertainment and Nandita Das Initiatives centres on Kapil Sharma, a food delivery worker, and his journey from losing his job as a factory floor manager to all the problems that the app and his new employment cause in his life. Shahana plays his wife, who aspires to support her own family through employment.