Director Karan Johar has said in a recent interaction that actress Sara Ali Khan will be doing two movies with him. He likewise uncovered the news of Ananya Panday dating somebody who will be revealed soon. Karan as of late completed the shoot of his forthcoming movie Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani, which features Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh in lead roles.
In a new interaction with Siddharth Kannan, Karan Johar said, “Sara Ali Khan is gonna do an amazing film with me, which I’m producing, which is gonna be for Amazon and we are very excited. And there’s one more film that she will do for us, for which I’m also very excited. That’s her future related to me. I don’t know anything else that’s happening in her personal life.”
Speaking about Ananya Panday, the filmmaker said, “Ananya Panday is going to date somebody soon I think. I don’t know who.” As of late when Ananya showed up on Koffee With Karan, Karan uncovered that on his birthday party, he saw Ananya and Aditya Roy Kapoor having a good time together. Ananya likewise said that she thinks Aditya is very hot.
Karan Johar and Sara Ali Khan featured in each other’s Instagram stories in June while they were wandering in the streets of London. Around then, a couple of Twitter users were left wondering if the two will be collaborating for a project soon.