Recently actor Deepika Padukone posted a clip shot by Katrina Kaif on her Instagram in which the former was featured doing aerial yoga at the gym. Deepika also mentioned that Katrina is not in the space to join her and henceforth she chose to shoot the glimpses. Reacting to the post Varun Dhawan and Ishaan Khatter dropped down their comments.
In the video, the actor was seen floating on the air backed by the swing hammock while a background music ‘Eye of the Tiger’ by Survivor was added.
Posting the reels on Instagram, Deepika wrote the caption, “Me working really hard in the gym! (bicep emoji). Meanwhile @katrinakaif upto no good (filming) me…” Actors Varun Dhawan commented, “Hahahaa” and Ishaan Khatter wrote, “The mummy returns (ghost emoji).”
Reacting to the video, a fan commented, “You and Kat are gym buddies??? Omg.” Another follower wrote, “Can you guys do a film together or it is too much to ask for” Someone commented, “What you and KAT?? like this gonna break internet (heart emojis).”
Deepika will be next featured in Pathaan along with Shah Rukh Khan, which is slated to hit the theaters on January 25, 2023. While Katrina is currently seen in Phone Bhoot opposite Ishaan Khatter and Siddhant Chaturvedi.