Bollywood’s late legendary actress Sridevi’s daughters Khushi Kapoor and Jahnvi Kapoor, are known for their fashion sense and stylish looks. Elder daughter Jahnvi Kapoor already made a debut in the Bollywood with film Dhadak opposite Ishan Khattar. Talking about Khushi Kapoor, she also remains in the spotlight and is one of the popular starkids of the B’town.
She has a great fan following on social media. Recently one of her photos was doing the rounds on the internet. This photo of Khushi Kapoor was taken during the Sangeet ceremony of Mukesh Ambani’s daughter Isha Ambani. In this photo, she is wearing a strappy silver-grey gown designed by Manish Malhotra and a tattoo is visible on the waist of Khushi Kapoor. It looks an ordinary tattoo but has the deepest meaning which can make you emotional.
The tattoo is rather cryptic and shows Roman numericals. It is close to her heart because, Khushi has got the birthdates of all her family members inscribed. It starts with Khushi’s own birthdate, which is November 5, denoted by a V, followed by VI, which is Janhvi’s birthdate, March 6. This is followed by Sridevi’s birthdate, i.e. XIII, to denote August 13, and then comes Boney’s birthdate XI, which is November 11.
Isn’t it so beautiful! After her fans came to know the meaning of her tattoo, they are applauding her.
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