The day before the premiere of the new family reality show, Kim Kardashian, along with her sisters Kourtney and Khloe, was spotted having lunch at the Fornaio Italian restaurant in Woodland Hills, California. It would be difficult for even the most inattentive paparazzi to lose sight of the celebrity – Kim appeared in public in a “flaming” outfit: a bright red skirt and a turtleneck with flames. Balenciaga’s soft faux-fur accessories, bag, and fluffy sunglasses completed the look.
The new show, however, is not the only “hot” topic in Kim’s life now. Fans and reporters around the world continue to follow her romance with comedian Pete Davidson. On the Dear Media podcast the other day, Kardashian admitted that she felt a spark when she and Pete kissed for the first time as part of a sketch on an SNL show.
Recently, Kardashian also hinted that she has serious feelings for Davidson, and between them is not at all a fleeting passion or a PR romance, as some netizens believe.
I am the type of woman for whom relationships are important. And I wouldn’t be with someone if I didn’t plan on being with them for a long time.
Kim said.
Officially, the divorce of Kim and Kanye West was formalized in March of this year, although they broke up last year. During this period, the rapper repeatedly complained that Kim prevented him from meeting with their common children (the couple has four of them) and several times publicly quarreled with Davidson.