Who is the owner of the Internet? Many of you have strong question in the mind that who is the owner of the Internet which we use day and night? When you give some money to a company (like idea, airtel) for data pack, then you will also have the question in your mind that to whom these companies gives money for internet? To understand this, we will first know how the internet works and then know who is the owner of the Internet.
Suppose you are reading this article of this website right now, then you are getting this article from the server of the website, kept thousands of kilometers away. When this article is coming from the website’s server on your mobile or pc, then a connection is being made between that server and your mobile and you have to pay for this connection. You give these rupees to a national level company like Reliance, Airtel, idea or local internet provider. But this national company only has access to their country, so this company gives money to the international company for internet. To understand this easily, we will divide it into three parts.
Who is the owner of Internet?
First – it is a company (sprint, usa slovakia, PLDT, center net) that has connected another country via cable by laying optical fibers cable in the sea. These companies have laid the cable in the sea with their own money or different investments. Through these cables, we can run the internet. These companies take money from national level companies.
Second- it is a national level company. Such as airtel, idea, reliance which provides internet to us or local internet provider.
Third – These are local internet provider (broadband) companies. Such as hathway, spectra net which we use by paying by the month by internet. These companies give money to idea, airtel, reliance.
When we give money to a company for the data pack of an internet, then the money goes to the national level company and then to the international company, but the international company does not give money to anyone.
So now you must know who is the owner of the Internet. The owner of the internet is not a particular person but many companies. Which brings us to the internet.
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