Actor Soha Ali Khan shared few glimpses of her actor-husband Kunal Kemmu and daughter Inaaya Naumi Kemmu on Instagram wherein the father and daughter have been handling the direction of the film. The actor penned down a beautiful note for her husband and wishes him the best for the upcoming project as a director.
In the pictures shared by Soha Inaaya is seen sitting on Kunal’s lap. While Kunal held the mic and stared at the monitor. In one of the pictures, Inaaya is seen fixing her dad’s headphones.
Inaaya drew an image of a boy wearing blue pants and pink shirt and wrote, “Dear Pupu, Good Lac for being a directr. Be a grate directr, I lav too, lav Inni ( Dear Papa, Good luck for being a director, be a great director, I love you, love Inaaya).”
Soha wrote, “I have enjoyed being one of the few people who have heard your stories, marvelled at your creativity, laughed and cried often together because of something you said – and now it is time for you to share one of those stories with the world. I am so proud of you and so excited for them. You were probably not much older than Inaaya is now when you acted in your first film – it was only fitting she call action for your first shot on your first day as director. Good luck with the film @kunalkemmu You got this. @excelmovies #madgaonexpress.”