The trailer of Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar’s film Laxmmi Bomb has been released today. Akshay’s look in this film is different from all the films. Because of Corona, the film will be released on the OTT platform instead of in theaters. Laxmmi Bomb is being released on November 9 on the occasion of Diwali on Disney Plus Hotstar.
The trailer begins with the style of Akshay Kumar and Kiara Advani. The story of the film is such that Kiara Advani brings Akshay Kumar to her house to convince her family for marriage. At the same time, Akshay does not believe in ghosts, after which something happens to him that he starts to behave in the most strange way. There is an entry of the real soul in him, Laxmmi, after which he is seen wearing bangles. Laxmmi has come to take her revenge. But for what reason she has come to take revenge, now it will be known only after watching this film. The trailer of Akshay Kumar’s film Laxmi Bomb is strong.
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