Throughout the history of mankind, men have had quite understandable needs, and there have always been women who satisfied these needs for a fee. However, in most countries of the world, such activities are illegal. But many people have a different point of view on prostitution: they perceive it as a business process. And of course, this whole area is shrouded in numerous secrets, to somewhat frightening facts.
But despite all the originality of the sex market, prostitution can be interesting due to many features that characterize the world of selling your body for money. However, every country has its own specifics of such a business. For example US. So here we have shared some little-known facts about the mysterious and dangerous US sex market.
Prostitution brings in more money than any other illegal business.
There is no doubt that guns and drugs are very profitable businesses. The media are very enthusiastic about washing the bones of drug lords, and the topic of the ban on carrying firearms is constantly discussed in society. However, the sex industry actually brings in investors much more money than drug lords and arms dealers. The fact is that this business is much more comprehensive and universal.
In Las Vegas, prostitution isn’t as legal as you might think.
In the state of Nevada, prostitution is allowed only in licensed brothels. Street prostitution is prohibited. In other US states, prostitution is illegal.
Pimps are not so afraid of arrest.
You might be thinking that the bosses of prostitutes constantly experience panic and constantly look around in fear. But the fact is that they don’t care too much: their work is not associated with risk, since usually they themselves do not participate in “deals” in any way, and it is not so easy to prove their involvement in illegal business.
Girls are recruited through social networks.
A lot of things are done online these days. And prostitutes are also hired on social networks. Many pimps have now already mastered this recruiting tool. All these suspiciously ambiguous ads for looking for girls with a nice appearance on the Internet are not at all an attempt to find good waitresses and dancers.
Pimps have a huge amount of expenses
Do you really think that running a brothel is easy? Yes, they make good money, but at the same time, they have to seriously spend money on many different things: utility bills, payment for the services of gynecologists and venereologists, transportation costs, property rentals, and much more. Their service is also somewhat dangerous and difficult.
Almost all pimps graduated from high school.
Now another lesser-known fact is that, usually, all the pimps are graduated from high school. About 30% of them even have a college degree. This is rather curious, because to work in this field you do not need a certificate or diploma from a higher educational institution.