Pakistani actor-singer Ali Zafar recently reacted to Madhuri Dixit’s reel posted on her Instagram feed in which the latter is spotted swaying to the viral song Sajania sung by Ali. Even though the song was released back in the year 2006 but the internet has been grooving to the beats of the song and have topped the charts as a trendsetter.
Ali was elated to see the Bollywood diva perform at his trending song doing rounds in the internet. The actor took to his Instagram handle to react on the clip, with no caption, he simply tagged Madhuri in the caption.
In the clip, Madhuri was decked up in a pastel attire, floral pattern blazer paired with white pants. The actress added a twist to choreography. Ali posted the video wherein he appears on the right panel, reacting to it.
Ali was awe struck with the gesture shown by the latter. Fans too has no second thought on commenting for the fanboy captured beautifully on the feed. A fan wrote, “This is so cute Successful fanboy.” Another commented, “Koi ly jao in ko india yaar…..(Someone bring him back to India)”.
Ali Zafar had a brief yet successful stint in Bollywood. He debuted in Tere Bin Laden (2010) and continued to feature in nine more films despite the fleeting boycott trend. Ali, last year opened up about missing Bollywood in an interview with ETimes. He said, “I certainly have great memories of my time in India. I hope we can mend ways and people of both countries get to connect, meet and work with each other.”
Ali was recently spotted in a Pakistani feature film, Khel Khel Mein as a cameo.