Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn’s film ‘Tanaji the Unsung Warrior’ got its release on 10 January. The film turned out to be a box office hit. The film has grossed 228 crores in 18 days. Also, it will soon cross the 250 crore club mark. After the success of this film, Ajay Devgan’s next film is now ready for release. They have released the poster of his next film ‘Maidaan‘. Makers will release the film on November 27, 2020. This film is a biopic of football coach Syed Abdul Rahim. Film is in the direction of Amit Ravindranath Sharma and Boney Kapoor is producing it. The film is being made under the banner of Zee Studios.
Let me tell you that 50 percent shooting of this film is complete and now the rest of the shooting will be done closely. Now talk about the film’s poster, we see the Indian team in the mud in the poster football field. We see wet soil and water in the ground. The Indian team is looking for football. Apart from Ajay Devgan, Zee Studios also shared this poster on social media.
Significantly, Ajay Devgan is playing the role of football coach Syed Abdul Rahim. The film also stars Priyamani, Gajrao Rao, and Boman Irani apart from Ajay Devgn.
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