Alia Bhatt’s film Darlings dropped on Netflix on August 5. The dark comedy likewise features Vijay Varma, Shefali Shah and Roshan Mathew, and is backed by Shah Rukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment. On Tuesday, Malaika Arora took to her Instagram Stories and gave the film its ‘brilliant’ cast a shoutout as she declared her love for the movie.
Posting a poster of Darlings, Malaika tagged Alia, Vijay and Shefali and penned, “What brilliant performances.” The actress likewise penned, “I totally lovesss….” Alia Bhatt shared Malaika’s message on her own Instagram Stories alongside a ‘flying kiss’ sticker.
With Darlings, Alia made her debut as a producer via her Eternal Sunshine Productions, which co-produced the movie. It is helmed by Jasmeet K Reen and written by her alongside Parveez Sheikh and Vijay Maurya. In Darlings, Alia portrays the role of Badrunissa Shaikh aka Badru, a survivor of domestic violence. Vijay Varma portrays the character of her significant other, Hamza, while Shefali portrays Alia’s mom Shamshunissa Ansari aka Shamshu.
In a recent interaction, Alia talked about Shah Rukh Khan’s response to Darlings. She likewise said that his significant other, interior designer and the film’s co-producer Gauri Khan, as well as their children Suhana Khan and Aryan Khan, had watched Darlings and ‘loved it’. Alia told Bollywood Bubble that Suhana even saw the movie two times.