Veteran actor featured in Malayalam movies KS Prem Kumar, popularly known by hi stage name Kochu Preman, died at the age of 68 on Saturday. He succumbed to chronic respiratory ailment at private hospital in Thiruvananthapuram. As per the reports published by news portal Mathurbhumi, the actor was suffering from the health issue and was undergoing treatment for the same.
Kochu Preman, started of his career as a theatre artist, and thereafter made his debut in the industry with the 1996 film titled Dilliwala Rajakumaran (1996), featuring Manju Warrier and Jayaram in the pivotal roles.
His body of work had been immense and impactful. He has acted in over 250 films and stood out as the comic relief in most of them. The comedy king was known for his roles in Guru (1997), Thenkasipattanam (2000), Pappi Appacha (2010), and Leela (2016). He last appeared in Oru Pappadavada Premam (2021).
Industry people offered their heartfelt condolences to the family of the departed. The actor is survived by his wife Girija and son PG Harikrishnan.