In India’s Punjab state’s district Moga, a case has been registered which is shocking the people. A man murdered his 5 family members and later committed suicide. the 27 years old Sandeep Singh aka Sunny allegedly shot dead his grandmother, father, mother, sister and 3 years old niece with a revolver. After killing them he also committed suicide by shooting himself, leaving a note behind.
The shocking incident took place in the morning on Saturday at 3:00 a.m. at village Nathuwal under Baghapurana Police Station. Sandeep’s grandfather received bullet injuries in the incident.
Sandeep was the only son of his family. In the suicide note, he revealed the reason why he took such a horrific and drastic step. Sandeep’s family fixed his marriage with a girl in an arranged marriage custom. But Sandeep was suffering from Erectile dysfunction (impotence). He was in a dilemma whether he will become a father or not. But his family forcefully arranged his marriage.
This provoked him and he decided to kill his family members as well as end his own life.