Bollywood’s Queen Kangana Ranaut expresses her views on social media very frankly. This fearlessness of Kangana Ranaut has become a cause of trouble for her many times. Even after this, Kangana Ranaut does not forget to share her heart’s desire on social media without being afraid of anyone. Kangana Ranaut is in the headlines once again because of a post made on social media. Some time ago, Kangana Ranaut had shared a post on the occasion of Navratri.
Kangana Ranaut had received threats to rape her on this post. After which there was a commotion on social media. There is a lawyer who threatened to rape Ranaut on her Facebook post. Odisha lawyer Mehndi Raza had written on Kangana Ranaut’s post that the actress should be raped in the beach town. After which Kangana Ranaut’s fans had taken a fierce class on this lawyer’s social media.
A complaint was also lodged against Mehndi Raza after the commotion escalated. Mehndi Raza has also clarified his comments on social media after the scandal on social media. Mehndi Raza shared an apology on social media and wrote that today my Facebook ID was hacked. Some abusive comments have been made from my profile after the ID was hacked.
This lawyer further wrote that I do not have such thoughts about any woman or community. I myself am very surprised to see these comments. I want to apologize to all of you. I hope people will accept my apology. I apologize to all those whose feelings have been hurt.
It is noteworthy that the Bandra Court of Mumbai had ordered to register a case against Kangana Ranaut on the charge of spreading hatred in the name of religion. After which Kangana Ranaut spoke on the issue through a post on social media. Mehndi Raza had made a threatening comment about Kangana Ranaut on this post.
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