Amid coronavirus lockdown, many Bollywood stars are coming forward to help in coronavirus crises. Meanwhile, Former Miss World Manushi Chillar is also making people aware through social media in this situation. Manushi has appealed to the government that all state governments should provide sanitary pads along with ration to be distributed to the poor. Also, Manushi thanked the government for including sanitary pads in the list of essential goods.
According to the reports Manushi Chillar described how poor women are facing difficulties due to the economic crisis caused by the lockdown. At the same time, she said, that we need to pay attention to how pads can be provided free of cost especially to economically weaker women. Let us tell you that Manushi Chillar is associated with many organizations for social work and also expresses her opinion on issues related to women and children. While ago Manushi Chillar, along with former Miss World’s Puerto Rico’s Stephanie Del Valle and Mexico’s Vanes Ponce, took the initiative to spread awareness to the people about the Coronavirus at the UNICEF.
Earlier Manushi Chhillar urged people to fight together. She had also released a video saying, ‘To save lives there is an urgent need to isolate and distance ourselves and we all should respect the lockdown which is to stop the virus.
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