In August 2020, the first season of “Masaba Masaba,” starring Masaba Gupta and Neena Gupta, debuted on Netflix. This distinctive series presented a semi-biographical perspective on the mother-daughter team’s life, dealing with new job choices, new (and previous) love interests, sorrow, emotions, and rivalry. They are represented as strong women who can restore their crowns, take back control of their life, and travel across unfamiliar territory.
News18 reports that Netflix has opted against producing “Masaba Masaba” in a third season. In an interview, Neena Gupta reaffirmed this information, expressing her displeasure with the choice and noting that many people had been wondering about the show’s upcoming seasons. “I want to tell Netflix that it isn’t fair that they didn’t sanction us the third season of Masaba Masaba. So many people ask me when the next season of the show will be out. I don’t know why they ask me.”
“We were really looking forward to the third season. I don’t understand and know what Netflix’s strategy is and what kind of shows they actually want to make. I think they should make season three,” she further added.
Sonam Nair served as the series’ director, and Viniyard Films’ Ashvini Yardi served as the showrunner. The new cast members for the show were Kusha Kapila, Kareema Barry, Barkha Singh, Ram Kapoor, and Armaan Khera.
Both critics and viewers gave “Masaba Masaba”‘s first season favourable reviews which was Netflix premiere in August 2020, good reviews.