The #MeToo movement in India has gained a momentum when Tanushree Dutta accused actor Nana Patekar of sexual misconduct. After that, several actresses had come forward to share their #MeToo stories. Recently, Rani Mukherji along with Deepika Padukone, Anushka Sharma, Tapsee Pannu, Tabu and Alia Bhatt came on CNN-News 18 roundtable conference hosted by Rajeev Masand. All the Bollywood actress attended the roundtable conference on CNN-News18.
Rani Mukherjee candidly spoke about the MeToo movement by saying that all the girls should be courageous and brave enough to control all these actions in their workplace. However, the actresses Deepika Padukone and Anushka Sharma quickly disagreed and presented a counterpoint as not everyone is brave enough to handle such situations.
Rani emphasised on the fact that girls should learn martial arts and self-defence. However, Deepika and others were of the view that one should not even bring it to a point where girls should learn self-defence. Rani’s opinions have apparently not gone down well with the people on the social media and they have been trolling the actress ever since.