Bengali actress and politician Mimi Chakraborty took to her Twitter account and expressed her thoughts on Ranveer Singh baring it all in his latest photoshoot for a magazine. She responded to the reception the actor’s actor’s bold pictures garnered via social media, and questioned whether a lady posing in similar photos would get the same reaction.
Mimi tweeted on Friday, “Internet broke with Ranveer Singh’s latest photoshoot and comments were (fire emojis) mostly. Just wondering if the appreciation would have been same if this were a woman. Or would you have burned her house down, taken up morchas, given her a death threat and slut shamed her.”
“We talk about equality, where is that now??!!!! You know right, it’s your perspective that can change something or destroy it totally. In his case let’s broaden our perspective because that body comes with a lot of sacrifices, trust me (no salt, no sugar, no carbs),” Mimi said in a tweet.
Internet broke with Ranveer singh’s latest photoshoot and comments were 🔥🔥🔥(mostly).Just wondering if the appreciation would hav been same if she was a woman.Or would u have burned her house down,taken up morchas given her a death threat and slut shamed her.(1/1)
— Mimi chakraborty (@mimichakraborty) July 21, 2022
Reacting to her tweet, a person wrote “You can break the glass ceiling.” Another commented, “I get your point but it’s hypothetical… We had similar photoshoots with Milind Soman and Madhu Sapre in the past… There were some sparks but largely people were cool about it.”