Superstar Nayanthara is all braced up for her new film, Connect which is interestingly her first ever film in the Hindi version. The teaser of the Hindi version have been out on YouTube recently after one week of the release of the official Tamil version’s trailer. Connect seems to be a promising horror experince which have till now received positive reviews from critics and fans. Seeking the massive and loyal fan base of the actor, the makers have decided to release it in Hindi too. The film stars Nayanthara, Sathyaraj, Anupam Kher, and Vinay Rai in the leading roles.
Helmed by Ashwin Saravan, the film is slated to hit the theaters on December 30. The trailer shows a family who is happy in their own space but later get stuck in a the lockdown after the pandemic hits the world. However, it simply not just the pandemic but a something else which stresses the family.
Nayanthara is featured as a mother to a teenage daughter opposite Vinay who is her husband, Sathyraj is her father while Anupam is in the garb of a Mumbai-based Priest. Nayanthara’s daughter uses an Ouija board to call a spirit but ends up bringing someone else. Thereafter the girl is possessed, which kicks off Nayanthara’s journey to save her daughter, backed with suggestion from Anupam which advices to perform exorcism.
The film is bankrolled by Nayanthara’s husband Vignesh Shivan under the banner of Rowdy Pictures.