Rhea Chakraborty had filed an application wanting to fly abroad for a award show and her plea has been granted. The actress has received her passport and has been permitted to go for a restricted period to Abu Dhabi. Rhea has been asked to submit her itinerary and travel details and has been permitted to travel from June 2-June 5 only. The actress has also been asked to report to the Indian Embassy each and every day for attendance and provide a cash security deposit of Rs 1 lakh
Alluding to the damage caused by the NDPS case, Rhea’s application for travel permission read, “That due to the present criminal prosecution and surrounding circumstances, the Applicant has already suffered significant setbacks to her acting career and incurred significant financial losses. Hence, opportunities such as these are extremely important for the Applicants future prospects in the Film Industry and greatly impact her ability to earn her own livelihood. It would not be out of place to mention that the Applicants aged parents are also financially dependent on her. That the Applicant is permanent resident of Mumbai and she has deep roots in society. Hence, there is no reason to believe that she will abscond or flee from justice.”
In September last year, Rhea Chakraborty was arrested by the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) for allegedly getting drugs for her boyfriend, late Sushant Singh Rajput. After a month, the actress was granted bail by the High Court.