The Netflix series, Class, an Indian adaptation of the superhit original Spanish series Elite, is returning for the second season very soon. Helmed by showrunner Ashim Ahluwalia, the series was out on February 3. The show’s stars Gurfateh Pirzada, Anjali Sivaraman, Ayesha Kanga, Chayan Chopra, Chintan Rachchh, Cwaayal Singh, Madhyama Segal, Moses Koul, Naina Bhan, Piyush Khati and Zeyn Shaw.
Netflix India tweeted, “We know how much you loved this course, so we signed you up for another exciting semester (heart eyes emoji) CLASS WILL BE BACK WITH A NEW SEASON! (red heart emoji).”
Class depicts the story of three scholarship holders who join the elite Hampton International academy and thereafter is surrounded by those are much privileged background than them. Bankrolled by Bodhitree Multimedia Limited with Future East, Class is penned down by Rajesh Devraj, Kersi Khambatta, Raghav Kakkar, Kashyap Kapoor and Bhaskar Hazarika.
Before the release, filmmaker Ashim had mentioned in a statement, “It was quite a task to adapt a show that has had enormous love globally, particularly because I wanted to rework its cinematic language and set it in New Delhi. I was keen to make something real and intense, something that charts the heightened emotions of teenage life. I also wanted to explore class, something we engage with daily but rarely see authentically depicted on screen.”
He further added, “Set in a world where the elite have all that they could wish for, besides a clear conscience, and those less fortunate dangerously navigate their way through, Class is a wild and volatile affair between the two. I’m thankful to Netflix for supporting my particular vision for this show, and keeping the faith that we could make something truly unique and special. We’ve had a crew that’s worked tirelessly and an amazing fresh young cast – almost all new discoveries that are absolutely incredible on screen. I think it’s safe to say that we have a series here that’s unlike any other seen before in India.”
The Spanish series Elite has been declared a hit globally on on Netflix. The sixth season was out in November 2022 and is awaiting its launch for the already prepped seventh season.