Veteran film and theatre artist Vikram Gokhale passed away at 77 on Saturday afternoon at a hospital in Pune. Post his death, celebrities have extended their condolence on Twitter. Within the tribute trail, people are lauding the scene form the late actor’s film Natsamrat, in which Vikram was seen in the garb of an artiste in his deathbed.
The Marathi movie Natsamrat is helmed by Mahesh Manjrekar, also featuring Nana Patekar in the pivotal role. The film revolve around a stage artiste who does not agree to miss his past frame. Vikram Gokhale is featured as Rambhau, a friend of Nana. Rambhau delivers his final performance on his deathbed.
Reacting to it, fans wrote the scene as ‘iconic’. One commented, “It’s quite fitting that he left an ode to all artistes in Natsamrat.” Another added, “RIP Vikram Gokhle. This scene from natsamrat, will always iconic.” “This specific role of Vikram Gokhale, as Natsamrat’s friend, will always be one of my favourites. Nana Patekar might be playing Natsamrat, but Vikram Gokhale stole every scene he was in, especially the one in which he lands up drunk at Nana’s home. He was the actual Natsamrat,” added a fan.
The actor’s health deteriorated while he was also on his BP medication. Rajesh Damle, a family friend said, “His body will be kept for antim darshan at Balgandharv Auditorium. Final rites will be performed at 6pm at Vaikunth crematorium in Pune.”
The actor last appeared in Nikamma which also starred Shilpa Shetty and Abhimanyu Dassani.