TV actress Nia Sharma is in the news due to her bold photos more than her TV serial, While ago she has posted some bold photos of her due to which she is grabbing attention. Nia is very active on social media. She keeps sharing her bold photos on Instagram. At times, she is also trolled because of this boldness, but Nia ignoring everything always looks forward to do something new.
Recently, the actress has shared some of her photos in red dress on Instagram, in which she looks quite bold. In these photos, Nia is wearing a hot red color dress. With which he is wearing red-colored glasses. These pictures of Nia are quite bold
On the professional Front, Nia Sharma is currently seen in Ekta Kapoor’s serial Naagin. In this serial, Nia is playing the character of ‘Naagin’, although, in the serial, she has not yet been shown to be a serpent. But in the promo of the serial, Nia was introduced as Naagin. Earlier, Nia Sharma appeared in ZEE5’s original web series Jamai Raja. He was accompanied by TV actor Ravi Dubey in the lead role in that series. Nia played a very bold character in that series too.
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