Nothing Phone (1) made its debut worldwide, including in India. Recently, the device has drawn a lot of attention and momentarily outperformed iPhones. The company’s first smartphone was advertised using the same techniques as the launch campaign for the OnePlus One. The Nothing Phone (1), a mid-range smartphone at its core, steps out of OnePlus’ shadow and is being offered at a premium price with the assurance of a flawless experience. The phone is powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G+ SoC, and one of its highlights is Glyph, a collection of 900 LEDs that have been meticulously organised in certain patterns on the device’s back.
The phone also has two 50MP cameras on the back and a 6.55-inch Full HD+ OLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate and symmetrical bezels. Android 12 comes pre-installed on the device. All of this is powered by a good 4,500mAh battery.
Nothing has never placed a high premium on the design aesthetic that is normally used on items across industries. The business first unveiled their take on the Nothing Ear (1) and has since done the same for the Phone (1). You are given an aluminium and plastic-made phone. The body of the phone is shaped like an iPhone, with flat sides and a vertically arranged twin camera setup on the back. Nothing put a lot of effort into the back of the phone, giving you a clear phone and the Glyph user interface. On the front, there is a stunning OLED panel with a punch hole on one side and symmetrical bezels all around. The phone is available in two colours: Black and White.