Japanese anime TV series Osamake, otherwise called “A Romantic Comedy in Which the Childhood Friend Definitely Will Not Lose,” is based on the light novel series of the same name written and drawn by Shichi Nimaru and Ui Shigure, separately. It has additionally been serialized in the seinen manga magazine Monthly Comic Alive from Media Factory beginning November 2019, with artwork by Ryo It.
Release Date
On October third, 2020, a new anime TV series was announced. Doga Kobo and Takashi Naoya were responsible for the series’ animation, while Yoriko Tomita took care of the series’ structure. The characters were likewise created by Naoya.
It released on AT-X and different stations from April 14 to June 30, 2021. There were 12 episodes in the series. Beyond Asia, the series was licensed by Crunchyroll. The series will be streamed on Muse Asia’s YouTube page and Bilibili all through Southeast Asia and South Asia.
Osamake Season 2 is probably going to be released shortly, c given all of the above. We can hope to be released in the spring, summer, or winter of 2023 assuming that the 2nd season is declared this year.
Sueharu Maru, voiced by Yoshihitsugu Matsuoka, Shirokusa Kachi, voiced by Ayane Sakura, Kuroha Shida, voiced by Inori Minase, Maria Momosaka, voiced by Saori nishi, Tetsuhiko Kai, voiced by Nobunaga Shimazaki, Mitsuru Abe, voiced by Takuma Terashima, Meiko Mine, voiced by
As far as the season 2 characters, there hasn’t been a lot to talk about them. In all likelihood, the same or some more supporting or side characters will show up in the new season, in addition to the regular main characters indicated above, and in the season after that.
In her 17 years of high school, Sueharu Maru presently can’t seem to have a partner. His childhood buddy Kuroha Shida, a small and cute Onee-san-type young lady with an outgoing attitude, lives close by. Sueharu has an intense interest in Kuroha’s first love, Shirokusa Kachi, an extraordinary symbol and an award-winning creator at school, but Sueharu rejects him.
Because of Shirokusa’s indifference, Sueharu believes he has a shot at turning into a student body leader. Sueharu is crushed when he discovers that Shirokusa has a boyfriend when he at long last admits his feelings. Sueharu is approached by Kuroha, who claims to be able to help him avenge Shirokusa and her boyfriend.