Pankaj Tripathi, the actor, has advanced significantly since his last role in Fukrey 3. Having begun his career from the beginning, he is now a vital member of the sector. Pankaj, a recipient of the National Award, recently said in an interview that he was referred to as a “saleable face” by industry wholesalers. The talented actor also talked about his ordeal of barely making it as an actor, joining a string of hit films, and losing out on the Hrithik Roshan movie Lakshya.
Pankaj Tripathi recently shared in conversation with The Lallantop that “I have been a part of two back-to-back hit films, OMG 2 and Fukrey 3. People talk a lot about box office collection. If we look at it from that perspective, though I only believe in good and bad films, both films have been successful. A very big distributor recently told me, ‘You’re now a saleable face’. I told him, ‘I don’t know about that, I just try to deliver good performances’.”
Pankaj also mentioned how his visage was absent from the 2017 Fukrey Returns poster. He wasn’t in the photo of the Tiger on the poster; instead, it had the main actors. The actor averred, “This is VFX Tiger, he doesn’t have to make a career. I have to. You could have used my picture instead of the Tiger.”
Remarkably, the Mimi actor appeared in the movie Lakshya with Hrithik and Preity Zinta. The movie was well praised. Regretfully, though, his movie sequences were cut.
Remembering that the news about his involvement in Lakshya had been in the papers, Tripathi expressed regret that readers would perceive him as a liar if they didn’t see him in the movie. He went on, “Cinema is a lie, we make up a story and show it on screen. But I refrain from lying in real life.”
On the professional front, the actor is now scheduled to appear in films such as Metro 2, Stree 3, and Mirzapur 3, following the tremendous success of Fukrey 3.