Actress Nusrat Bharucha is often in the headlines for her bold dressing sense. Recently Nusrat Bharucha shared the reaction of her family on her bold picture. She told how her father reacted to the bold dress she wore in the song Chote Chote Peg. In this song, she wore a bold pink costume.
In an interview, Nusrat told that she did not want her parents to see this song and her hot avatar. Nusrat Bharucha told that she was in confusion about what her parents’ reaction would be.
Nusrat says that she had not told about Chote Chote Peg song at her home. She was wondering what the mother’s father would think. But when I returned home from the promotion, the parents were watching this song. As soon as I saw that they were watching this bold song, then I went quietly into my room without saying anything. Then father came and started asking me that you are wearing only a bra in this song?
Nusrat told that after seeing this song her father asked her if she was wearing only a bra. I started laughing inside. I thought about how to tell them that it is bralette.
But, Nusrat says that her parents are cool and often meets with her boyfriend.