On August 12, 2019, the world will see an unseen side of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Man vs Wild with host Bear Grylls. The information is tweeted by the show’s host. He posted a teaser clip and wrote, “People across 180 countries will get to see the unknown side of PM @narendramodi as he ventures into Indian wilderness to create awareness about animal conservation & environmental change. Catch Man Vs Wild with PM Modi @DiscoveryIN on August 12 @ 9 pm.”
The two had quite an interaction on Twitter when Grylls tweeted the teaser.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on joining the show for an episode, said, “For years, I have lived among nature, in the mountains and the forests. These years have a lasting impact on my life. So when I was asked about a special programme focussing on life beyond politics and that too in the midst of nature I was both intrigued and inclined to take part in it. For me, this show presents a great opportunity to showcase to the world India’s rich environmental heritage and stress on the importance of environment conservation and living in harmony with nature. It was a great experience spending time in the jungle once again, this time with Bear, who is blessed with indefatigable energy and quest to experience nature at its purest.”
Source: HT
In the trailer of the program that was released recently, Modi can be seen driving into the Jim Corbett National Park in northern India guided by Grylls. It is the 8th season of the show. In this episode of Modi, he will be seen tackling extreme challenges and learn survival skills.
Apart from Narendra Modi, many other popular celebrities participated in the show including actor Zac Efron, Channing Tatum, Ben Stiller, Michael B. Jordan and then US President Barack Obama (in December 2015).