On Thursday, Actor Pooja Hegde posted an update on her Instagram stories concerning a ligament tear which she faced in her ankle. She posted a mini clip of her injured ankle, plastered with bandage, keeping her fans abreast with her condition. However, interestingly, the actor believes that the work must go on with no deterrents. Pooja is tied up in the shoot of her upcoming movie Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan, alongside Salman Khan.
Alongside the picture, Pooja wrote, “ohkayyy then! Ligament tear (black tick emoji).” Some time later she shared a clip wherein she is getting decked up by her makeup artist for the shoot. The video ended with Pooja pouting and smiling at the mirror. She slide in a line, “The show must go on.”
The actor who recently celebrated her 32nd birthday on the sets of Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan is now working with her co-actors Salman Khan and Venkatesh. The action based comedy feature film is a Farhad Samji directorial and booked under the banner name Salman Khan Films.
Along with the aforementioned actors, a stellar line of actors will be seen in pivotal roles including Jagapathi Babu, Raghav Juyal, Shehnaaz Gill, and Palak Tiwari among others. The film will hit the theaters on December 30, 2022.