Bollywood actress who worked in films like Iqraar by Chance and also played in popular TV serials like Dil Mil Gaye is hitting the headlines for all wrong reasons. The actress shared a post on Facebook recently in which she made a shocking confession. She revealed she is suffering from mental trauma. The actress also accuses her sister’s mother-in-law of plotting murder against her.
Here are her posts:
She shared another post in which the actress has accused her best friend of trying rape her. Shilpa is a popular South Indian actor, she also worked in Bollywood and on TV she debuted with the 2007 medical youth show Dill Mill Gayye on Star One. She left Dill Mill Gayye in May 2008 but returned in 2010 as a different character, Dr Shilpa Malhotra in season 2 of the show.
Apart from it, she also worked in the shows Teri Meri Love Stories and Mahisagar. She made her Bollywood debut with Ravi Shankar’s film Iqraar by Chance (2006).