The national crush of India, internet sensation, Priya Prakash Varrier is all set to come on the silver screen with her film Oru Adar Love. She went viral with this film’s one of the scene in which she can be seen winking. The winking video of Priya from the film got leaked much before its release. Now, the Pru Adaar Love is all set to release on the Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2019.
The girl stole millions of hearts with her one wink. Now, she is grabbing headlines again. Recently, another video from the film Oru Adaar Love has gone viral on the internet in which Priya can be seen locking her lips with co-star Roshan Abdul Rauf. The social media users are criticizing the scene as they find it that showing intimacy on school students is an inappropriate act.
A user wrote, “What the hell? Is this romance or cheap hot explicit clip for promoting the movie?” While, another wrote, “Stupidity. It appears that now she is doing these cheap acts just for publicity & remain alive in media/news”. Another labelled the teaser as “sexual content”. One even urged to “ban” the film as it would “spoil” school children.
Here’s the video:
Before Oru Adaar Love, Priya Prakash Varrier was also criticized for her Bollywood debut film Sridevi Bungalow. Following which Sridevi’s husband Boney Kapoor has sent a legal notice to the team of the film for using his late wife’s name and featuring the same cause of death in the film due to which Sridevi died.
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