Priyanka Chopra is now Priyanka Chopra Jonas. She married Nick Jonas on December 2 and 3 according to Christian and Hindu wedding rituals. Their beautiful wedding pictures are also out and we saw Priyanka was looking drop-dead gorgeous on her D-day.
The Christian ceremony of the couple took place on Saturday. The bride Priyanka Chopra walked down the aisle in a custom Ralph Lauren gown. This gorgeous gown took a total of 1,826 hours to complete and featured two million mothers of pearl sequins, with her groom matching in a suit from the same US designer. Nick also chose custom Ralph Lauren with his six-button double-breasted black tuxedo and custom patent lace-up dress shoes.
Priyanka Chopra’s gown grabbed all the camera attention and also managed to break a record. Priyanka donned a gown with a huge 75 ft veil that has created a history, as no other actress be it Bollywood or Hollywood has sported such a long veil. Apparently, Priyanka has broke Princess Diana’s record who sported a 25 ft veil.
The above pictures were exclusively posted by the Hello Magazine Uk, which is rumoured to have paid a whopping 2.5 million (18 crore) to Priyanka and Nick for the exclusive copyrights of their wedding pictures.